from queue import Queue from threading import Thread from threading import Event from time import sleep import sane from PIL import Image import sys import os import select import cv2 import subprocess def is_there_line(): # Check if there is any data available to be read from stdin if[sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]: # Read the next line from stdin return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip('\n') else: return None class Message: def __init__(self, message, payload): self.message = message self.payload = payload def interface_thread(i, o): queue = [] processing = [] scanned = [] scanners = [] print("<{}>$ ".format(os.getcwd()), end="") sys.stdout.flush() while True: line = is_there_line() if line: # parse the line of input splitted = line.split(' ') if splitted[0] == "queue": if splitted[1] == "add": if splitted[2]: if splitted[2][0] != "/": enqueued = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), splitted[2]) else: enqueued = splitted[2] queue.append(enqueued) print("queued file {}".format(enqueued)) else: print("specify a file!") elif splitted[0] == "send": print("sending {} to scanner for scanning".format(queue[0])) payload = { 'save_location': queue.pop(0), } message = Message("scan_request", payload) o.put(message) elif splitted[0] == "cd": try: os.chdir(splitted[1]) except IndexError: os.chdir("/home/usr") elif splitted[0] == "mkdir": os.mkdir(splitted[1]) elif splitted[0] == "ls": files = os.listdir() print(files) elif splitted[0] == "feh": subprocess.Popen(["feh", splitted[1]]) elif splitted[0] == "scannerlist": o.put(Message("list_scanners", None)) data = i.get() if data.message == "list_scanners_resp": scanners = data.payload["scanner_names"] for x in scanners: print(x) i.task_done() elif splitted[0] == "setscanner": payload = { "scanner_name": splitted[1], } message = Message("set_scanner", payload) o.put(message) elif splitted[0] == "sendpredef": o.put(Message("sendpredef", None)) elif splitted[0] == "help": print("""help: commands - queue: add: add an item to the queue send: send the first item on the queue to be scanned cd: change directories mkdir: make a directory ls: list files in directory feh: open image viewer scannerlist: list scanners connected setscanner: set the scanner as the selected scanner sendpredef: set the scanner to some predefined settings""") print("<{}>$ ".format(os.getcwd()), end="") sys.stdout.flush() def scanner_backend(i, o): sane.init() scanner = None while True: # Get some data data = i.get() if data.message == "scan_request": save_location = data.payload['save_location'] if scanner: print("recieved scan_request with {}".format(save_location)) else: print("configure a scanner first") i.task_done() continue image = scanner.scan()["save_location"]) i.task_done() elif data.message == "list_scanners": devs = sane.get_devices() payload = { 'scanner_names': [x[0] for x in devs], } message = Message("list_scanners_resp", payload) o.put(message) i.task_done() elif data.message == "set_scanner": scanner =["scanner_name"]) i.task_done() elif data.message == "sendpredef": # configure the scanner in these predefined ways scanner.resolution = 200 scanner.br_x = 320 scanner.br_y = 320 scanner.calibration_cache = 1 i.task_done() # Create the shared queue and launch both threads def main(): interface_queue, scanner_queue = Queue(), Queue() threads = [ Thread(target=interface_thread, args=(interface_queue, scanner_queue)), Thread(target=scanner_backend, args=(scanner_queue, interface_queue)), ] [ i.start() for i in threads ] if __name__ == "__main__": main()