class TextureParsingError(BaseException): pass class Texture: def __init__(self, ttype, reference, name): self.ttype = ttype self.tref = reference = name if ttype == "char": self.texture = [reference] self.loaded = True self.dims = [1, 1] elif ttype == "mchar": self.loaded = False self.texture = None self.dims = None # lazy load with Texture().load() def load(self): if self.loaded: return try: with open("textures/" + self.tref + ".texture") as fd: self.texture = [i.rstrip() for i in fd.readlines()] except FileNotFoundError: raise TextureParsingError("error parsing " + self.tref) # check if texture is 'jagged', e.g. # there are multiple line lengths j = None for i in self.texture: if not j: j = len(i) elif len(i) != j: self.loaded = False raise TextureParsingError("error parsing " + self.tref) # provide dimensions (j is still in scope) self.dims = [len(self.texture), j] self.loaded = True class TileError(BaseException): pass class Tile: def __init__(self, pos, ttype): self.x = pos[0] self.y = pos[1] self.ttype = ttype self.textures = {} self.dims = None self.animation = 0 def getCoords(self): return [self.x, self.y] def addTexture(self, texture): # check if texture is consistent # with other textures' dimensions if not self.dims: self.dims = texture.dims else: if not self.dims == texture.dims: raise TileError("texture dimensions are not consistent") self.textures[] = texture def update(self, tiles): """ This method is designed to be replaced. This method should be called exactly once for each rendered frame, regardless if it is visible. """ pass def render(self): """ This method is designed to be replaced. This method should be called on every frame this Tile is visible. """ try: return self.textures[0] except IndexError: raise TileError("no textures to render!") def use(self): """ This method is designed to be replaced. """ pass