import asyncio from irctokens import build, Line from ircrobots import Bot as BaseBot from ircrobots import Server as BaseServer from ircrobots import ConnectionParams from botany import IRCBotany as Botany from secrets import PASSWORD channels = [ "#bots", # "#club", ] helpmessage = "hey, i'm botanybot. i water plants on ~club. my prefix is % and i was made by randomuser. check out for more information." class Server(BaseServer): admin = 'rndusr' async def msg(self, chan, string, user=None): if user == None: await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, string])) else: await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", [chan, user + ": " + string])) async def line_read(self, line: Line): print(f"{} < {line.format()}") if line.command == "001": await self.send(build("MODE", ["botanybot", "+B"])) await self.msg("nickserv", "identify " + PASSWORD) for i in channels: await self.send(build("JOIN", [i])) if line.command == "PRIVMSG": user = line.hostmask.nickname channel = line.params[0] if line.params[-1] == "!rollcall": await self.msg(channel, helpmessage, user) if line.params[-1][0] == '%': commands = line.params[-1][1:].split(' ') if commands[0] == "desc": if len(commands) == 2: b = Botany(commands[1]) await self.msg(channel, b.plantDescription(), user) else: await self.msg(channel, "specify user", user) elif commands[0] == "water": if len(commands) == 2: b = Botany(commands[1]) if(b.water("{} (via IRC)".format(user))): await self.msg(channel, b.watered(), user) else: await self.msg(channel, b.cantWater(), user) elif commands[0] == "help": await self.msg(channel, helpmessage, user) elif commands[0] == "join": if len(commands) == 2: if user == self.admin: await self.send(build("JOIN", [commands[1]])) await self.msg(channel, "joined the channel {}".format(commands[1]), user) elif commands[0] == "chowner": if len(commands) == 2: if user == self.admin: self.admin = commands[1] await self.msg(channel, "admin changed to {}".format(commands[1]), user) return else: await self.msg(channel, "error: you must be an admin!", user) return else: await self.msg(channel, "two arguments required", user) return async def line_send(self, line: Line): print(f"{} > {line.format()}") class Bot(BaseBot): def create_server(self, name:str): return Server(self, name) async def main(): bot = Bot() params = ConnectionParams("botanybot", "", 6697, True) await bot.add_server("tilde", params) await if __name__ == "__main__":