remove firefox setup script, will be superseded by configuration.nix and friends

This commit is contained in:
randomuser 2023-07-07 16:47:55 -05:00
parent 3aa3e10ce8
commit 9c49ea2dfd

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
# hooboy this is going to be complicated
# strap in
get_xpi_for_ext() {
# $1 -- extension name in the store url
# $2 -- download location
search_for="$(printf %s "$1" | sed 's/-/_/g')"
final_url=$(curl -s "$1/" |
sed 's|\u002F|/|g' |
grep -o "[[:digit:]]*/"${search_for}"-.[0-9\.]*.xpi")
[ "$verb" -eq 0 ] && printf "downloaded extension %s\n" "$final_url"
curl -s "$final_url" -o "$2"
mkdir firefox
get_xpi_for_ext "umatrix" "firefox/umatrix.xpi"
get_xpi_for_ext "tridactyl-vim" "firefox/tridactyl.xpi"
get_xpi_for_ext "gruvbox-dark" "firefox/gruvbox.xpi"
get_xpi_for_ext "darkreader" "firefox/darkreader.xpi"
# generate the firefox profile directory
# assumes you have the randomuser/utils repo installed
# if not, maybe do that
[ "$verb" -eq 0 ] && printf "opening firefox, don't focus away\n"
fire &
sleep 10
xdotool key ctrl+t
xdotool key ctrl+l
xdotool type ""
xdotool key Return
sleep 3
for i in $(shuf -i 0-5 | tr '\n' ' '); do
xdotool key 'ctrl+w'
cd ~/.local/share/firefox/.mozilla/firefox
cd "$(ls | grep 'default-esr$')"
git clone gituser.js
sed -i "18d;19i cd $(pwd)" gituser.js/
HOME="/home/usr/.local/share/firefox/" bash gituser.js/
HOME="/home/usr/.local/share/firefox/" bash gituser.js/ -l
cd /home/usr/git/dot/firefox
printf "Please install all the extensions, then close all windows in the browser.\n"
fire $(pwd)/umatrix.xpi $(pwd)/tridactyl.xpi $(pwd)/gruvbox.xpi $(pwd)/darkreader.xpi
curl -fsSl -o /tmp/ && HOME="/home/usr/.local/share/firefox" sh /tmp/ 1.22.1
fire &
sleep 5
xdotool key ctrl+l
xdotool type ""
xdotool key Return
# we're done, finally.
# touch a hidden file so the makefile knows we're done
touch .firefox_env