# exit mouse mode Escape sxhkd-mode sxhkdrc w sxhkd-mode sxhkdrc # send the escape key ] xdotool key Escape # move left {ctrl +,shift +,_} h xdotool mousemove_relative -- {-5,-50,-20} 0 # move down {ctrl +,shift +,_} j xdotool mousemove_relative -- 0 {5,50,20} # move up {ctrl +,shift +,_} k xdotool mousemove_relative -- 0 {-5,-50,-20} # move right {ctrl +,shift +,_} l xdotool mousemove_relative -- {5,50,20} 0 # left, middle, right click {ctrl +,_} {a,s,d} xdotool {mousedown,click} {1,2,3} # let go of clicked button q xdotool mouseup 1; xdotool mouseup 2; xdotool mouseup 3 # move the mouse to the top of the window g ; g bspwm-mouse top # ditto for bottom G bspwm-mouse bottom # ditto for left 0 bspwm-mouse left # ditto for right dollar bspwm-mouse right