#!/bin/sh # get screen info and temporary file tmp=$(mktemp -d) res=$(xrandr | grep ' connected' | awk -F' ' '{print $1 " " $4}' | awk -F'+' '{print $1}' | fzy | awk -F' ' '{print $2}' ) # still or motion medium=$(printf ".mp4\n.png\n" | fzy) output="$tmp/main$medium" # capture case "$medium" in *mp4*) printf "> starting video capture...\n" ffmpeg -video_size "$res" -f x11grab -framerate 60 -i $DISPLAY -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p "$output" ;; *png*) printf "> taking screenshot...\n" # for a screenshot, we usually want an a s t h e t i c ffmpeg -f x11grab -video_size "$res" -i $DISPLAY -vframes 1 "$output" -loglevel quiet # be quiet ;; *) printf "not a choice\n" exit 1 esac # what to do with the capture? printf "> written to %s\n" "$output" while true; do result=$(printf "delete\nmove to home directory\nupload to pastebin\nreview footage\nquit\n" | fzy --prompt="what next? ") case "$result" in *upload*) paste "$output" | xclip -i printf "> pasted! check your clipboard\n" ;; *review*) [ "$medium" = ".mp4" ] && mpv "$output" && continue feh "$output" ;; *delete*) printf "> removing target file...\n" rm "$output" exit 1 ;; *home*) printf "> warping your capture to home...\n" name=$(echo "capture$medium" | fzy --prompt="name please? ") mv "$output" "$HOME/$name" exit 1 ;; *quit*) exit 1 ;; esac done