-- randomuser's -- _ _ _ _ -- (_)_ __ (_) |_ | |_ _ __ _ -- | | '_ \| | __| | | | | |/ _` | -- | | | | | | |_ _| | |_| | (_| | -- |_|_| |_|_|\__(_)_|\__,_|\__,_| -- helper functions {{{ local keymapper = vim.keymap local globals = vim.g local opt = vim.o local cmd = vim.cmd function nnoremap(l, r) keymapper.set('n', l, r) -- noremap is implied end function inoremap(l, r) keymapper.set('i', l, r) end function tnoremap(l, r) keymapper.set('t', l, r) end -- }}} -- custom mappings {{{ globals.mapleader = ' ' nnoremap(';', ':') nnoremap(':', ';') nnoremap('', ':') -- source init.vim nnoremap('rr', function() cmd.source('~/.config/nvim/init.lua') end) -- edit init.vim nnoremap('re', function() cmd.edit('~/.config/nvim/init.lua') end) -- openup netrw nnoremap('fs', function() cmd.Lexplore() end) inoremap('qp', 'u[s1z=`]au') inoremap("", "mZ0i`ZlA") inoremap('jk', '') inoremap('zz', ':w!a') tnoremap('', '') -- }}} -- vim options {{{ opt.compatible = false opt.number = true opt.foldmethod = 'marker' opt.encoding = 'utf8' opt.list = true opt.lcs = 'tab:->,trail:_,eol:^' opt.clipboard = 'unnamedplus' opt.spell = true opt.spelllang = "en_us" opt.title = true opt.ts = 2 opt.sw = 2 opt.hlsearch = true opt.incsearch = true opt.ignorecase = true opt.smartcase = true opt.inccommand = 'nosplit' opt.hidden = true opt.path = '.,/usr/include,**' vim.cmd.colorscheme('earth') opt.statusline="%f %r%m%q%h%=%y 0x%02B %04l:%03c:%03p" vim.api.nvim_exec("let &titlestring='%{expand(\"%:p\")}'", true) globals.vimtex_view_method = 'zathura' -- }}} -- autocommands {{{ -- swapfile handler vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({"SwapExists"}, { pattern = {"*"}, callback = function() vim.fn.system("vim-swap-handler " .. vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)) print(vim.v.shell_error) if (vim.v.shell_error == 0) then vim.v.swapchoice = 'o' print("opened in other place. you should have teleported there") elseif (vim.v.shell_error == 1) then vim.v.swapchoice = 'o' print("file opened readonly. orphaned swap file?") end end }) -- autocmds for sxhkd and bspwm config files vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({"BufWrite"}, { pattern = {"bspwmrc"}, callback = function() vim.fn.system("bspc wm -r") end }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({"BufWrite"}, { pattern = {"sxhkdrc"}, callback = function() vim.fn.system("killall sxhkd -USR1") end }) function setTabbing(lang, width) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({"Filetype"}, { pattern = {lang}, callback = function() vim.bo.expandtab = true vim.bo.tabstop = width vim.bo.shiftwidth = width end }) end setTabbing("python", 4) setTabbing("javascript", 2) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({"TermOpen"}, { pattern = {"*"}, callback = function() vim.wo.number = false end }) -- }}} -- netrw options {{{ globals.netrw_winsize = -28 globals.netrw_banner = 0 -- for tree view globals.netrw_liststyle = 3 -- use previous window to open files globals.netrw_browser_split = 4 -- }}} -- packer.nvim {{{ -- taken from packer.nvim readme local ensure_packer = function() local fn = vim.fn local install_path = fn.stdpath('data') .. '/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim' if fn.empty(fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then fn.system({'git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', 'https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim', install_path}) vim.cmd [[packadd packer.nvim]] return true end return false end local packer_bootstrap = ensure_packer() return require('packer').startup(function(use) use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim' use 'tpope/vim-surround' use 'tpope/vim-commentary' use 'tpope/vim-fugitive' use 'https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki.git' use 'lervag/vimtex' if packer_bootstrap then require('packer').sync() end end); -- }}}