there is a program in randomuser/utils which acts as an authentication manager for tildegit. it doesn't work right. when the tildegit password has not been requested recently, instead of popping up a prompt, it will just return an auth error. i honestly don't know why this is happening, but doing this makes gpg-agent aware of the decryption and allows the password to be accessed by git without user intervention.
60 lines
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60 lines
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# some housekeeping
set -o vi
shopt -s autocd
alias rc=". ~/.config/bash/bashrc"
alias erc="nvim ~/.config/bash/bashrc"
alias reload=". ~/.config/bash/bashrc; . ~/.config/bash/profile"
# ssh keeping tidy
alias ssh="ssh -F $HOME/.config/ssh/config"
# remind alias
alias sched="nvim $DOTREMINDERS"
alias cal="rem -cl"
alias shutdown="sudo shutdown -h now"
alias ls="ls --color=auto"
alias irssi="irssi --home=$HOME/.config/irssi"
PS1="\w\$ "
# repos func
repos() {
sel="$(ls ~/git | fzy | awk '{print "/home/usr/git/"$1}')"
[ "$?" -eq 1 ] && exit
cd "$sel"
files() {
sel=$(find /home/$(whoami) |
grep -v '\.cache\|\.pki\|/scratch/\|\.config/chromium\|\.git\|\.local/lib\|\.mozilla/firefox/' |
fzy -l 50)
[ -z "$sel" ] && return 1
[ -d "$sel" ] && cd "$sel" || nvim "$sel"
return 0
rss() {
cd ~/.local/share/sfeed/
sfeed_curses *
cd -
# stolen from stackoverflow
# code from a stranger is always perfect
git_main_branch () {
git branch | cut -c 3- | grep -E '^master$|^main$'
gp() {
# a bodge -- git authentication doesn't work quite right
pash c tildegit
git push -u origin $(git_main_branch)
alias gs='git status'
alias f=files