
190 lines
5.6 KiB

-- luakit configuration file, more information at --
require "lfs"
-- Check for lua configuration files that will never be loaded because they are
-- shadowed by builtin modules.
table.insert(package.loaders, 2, function (modname)
if not package.searchpath then return end
local f = package.searchpath(modname, package.path)
if not f or f:find(luakit.install_paths.install_dir .. "/", 0, true) ~= 1 then
local lf = luakit.config_dir .. "/" .. modname:gsub("%.","/") .. ".lua"
if f == lf then
msg.warn("Loading local version of '" .. modname .. "' module: " .. lf)
elseif lfs.attributes(lf) then
msg.warn("Found local version " .. lf
.. " for core module '" .. modname
.. "', but it won't be used, unless you update 'package.path' accordingly.")
require "unique_instance"
-- Set the number of web processes to use. A value of 0 means 'no limit'. This
-- has no effect since WebKit 2.26
luakit.process_limit = 4
-- Set the cookie storage location
soup.cookies_storage = luakit.data_dir .. "/cookies.db"
-- Load library of useful functions for luakit
local lousy = require "lousy"
-- Load users theme
-- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/theme.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/theme.lua")
assert(lousy.theme.get(), "failed to load theme")
-- Load users window class
-- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/window.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/window.lua")
local window = require "window"
-- Load users webview class
-- ("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luakit/webview.lua" or "/etc/xdg/luakit/webview.lua")
local webview = require "webview"
-- Add luakit;//log/ chrome page
local log_chrome = require "log_chrome"
-- Load luakit binds and modes
local modes = require "modes"
local binds = require "binds"
local settings = require "settings"
require "settings_chrome"
-- Optional user script loading --
-- Add adblock
local adblock = require "adblock"
local adblock_chrome = require "adblock_chrome"
local webinspector = require "webinspector"
-- Add uzbl-like form filling
local formfiller = require "formfiller"
-- Add proxy support & manager
local proxy = require "proxy"
-- Add quickmarks support & manager
local quickmarks = require "quickmarks"
-- Add session saving/loading support
local session = require "session"
-- Add command to list closed tabs & bind to open closed tabs
local undoclose = require "undoclose"
-- Add command to list tab history items
local tabhistory = require "tabhistory"
-- Add greasemonkey-like javascript userscript support
local userscripts = require "userscripts"
-- Add bookmarks support
local bookmarks = require "bookmarks"
local bookmarks_chrome = require "bookmarks_chrome"
-- Add download support
local downloads = require "downloads"
local downloads_chrome = require "downloads_chrome"
-- Add automatic PDF downloading and opening
local viewpdf = require "viewpdf"
-- Example using xdg-open for opening downloads / showing download folders
downloads.add_signal("open-file", function (file)
luakit.spawn(string.format("xdg-open %q", file))
return true
-- Add vimperator-like link hinting & following
local follow = require "follow"
-- Add command history
local cmdhist = require "cmdhist"
-- Add search mode & binds
local search = require "search"
-- Add ordering of new tabs
local taborder = require "taborder"
-- Save web history
local history = require "history"
local history_chrome = require "history_chrome"
local help_chrome = require "help_chrome"
local binds_chrome = require "binds_chrome"
-- Add command completion
local completion = require "completion"
-- Press Control-E while in insert mode to edit the contents of the currently
-- focused <textarea> or <input> element, using `xdg-open`
local open_editor = require "open_editor"
-- NoScript plugin, toggle scripts and or plugins on a per-domain basis.
-- `,ts` to toggle scripts, `,tp` to toggle plugins, `,tr` to reset.
-- If you use this module, don't use any site-specific `enable_scripts` or
-- `enable_plugins` settings, as these will conflict.
--require "noscript"
local follow_selected = require "follow_selected"
local go_input = require "go_input"
local go_next_prev = require "go_next_prev"
local go_up = require "go_up"
-- Filter Referer HTTP header if page domain does not match Referer domain
local error_page = require "error_page"
-- Add userstyles loader
local styles = require "styles"
-- Hide scrollbars on all pages
local hide_scrollbars = require "hide_scrollbars"
-- Add a stylesheet when showing images
local image_css = require "image_css"
-- Add a new tab page
local newtab_chrome = require "newtab_chrome"
-- Add tab favicons mod
local tab_favicons = require "tab_favicons"
-- Add :view-source command
local view_source = require "view_source"
-- Put "userconf.lua" in your Luakit config dir with your own tweaks; if this is
-- permanent, no need to copy/paste/modify the default rc.lua whenever you
-- update Luakit.
if pcall(function () lousy.util.find_config("userconf.lua") end) then
require "userconf"
-- End user script loading --
-- Restore last saved session
local w = (not luakit.nounique) and (session and session.restore())
if w then
for i, uri in ipairs(uris) do
w:new_tab(uri, { switch = i == 1 })
-- Or open new window
-- vim: et:sw=4:ts=8:sts=4:tw=80