diff --git a/bridge/__init__.py b/bridge/__init__.py
index 9a3f26f..d4f51ee 100644
--- a/bridge/__init__.py
+++ b/bridge/__init__.py
@@ -300,4 +300,127 @@ def gitea_handle_issue_action():
- return ''
\ No newline at end of file
+ return ''
+@app.route("/bridge/endpoints/github/issue", methods=["POST"])
+def github_handle_issue_action():
+ gitea = Gitea(app.config["GITEA_ACCESS_TOKEN"])
+ github = Github(app.config["GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"])
+ data = request.json
+ try:
+ event_type = data["action"]
+ repo_owner = data["repository"]["owner"]["login"]
+ repo_name = data["repository"]["name"]
+ issue_user = data["issue"]["user"]["login"]
+ issue_user_url = "https://github.com/{}".format(
+ issue_user,
+ )
+ issue_number = data["issue"]["number"]
+ if event_type == "opened": # new issue created
+ event_title = data["issue"]["title"]
+ event_body = data["issue"]["body"]
+ elif event_type == "created": # new comment on that issue
+ event_title = None
+ event_body = data["comment"]["body"]
+ elif event_type == "closed": # issue closed
+ event_title = None
+ event_body = data["issue"]["body"]
+ if not event_body: event_body = ""
+ event_url = data["issue"]["url"]
+ except KeyError as e:
+ print(e, type(e))
+ abort(400) # the data isn't formatted correctly
+ if issue_sentinel in event_body:
+ return ''
+ if event_type == "opened":
+ issue_header = "*This issue has automatically been created by [`gitea-github-sync`](https://{}/bridge/about) on behalf of [{}]({}).*".format(
+ app.config["GITEA_INSTANCE_DOMAIN"],
+ issue_user,
+ issue_user_url,
+ )
+ issue_footer = """
+ Internal issue metadata
+ {}
+ """.format(generate_sentinel(event_url))
+ issue_body = "\n\n".join([
+ issue_header,
+ event_body,
+ issue_footer
+ ])
+ gitea_create_issue_result = gitea.post(
+ "https://{}/api/v1/repos/{}/{}/issues".format(
+ app.config["GITEA_INSTANCE_DOMAIN"],
+ repo_owner,
+ repo_name,
+ ),
+ json={
+ "title": event_title,
+ "body": issue_body,
+ }
+ )
+ elif event_type == "created":
+ comment_user = data["comment"]["user"]["login"]
+ comment_user_url = "https://github.com/{}".format(
+ comment_user,
+ )
+ comment_header = "*This comment has automatically been created by [`gitea-github-sync`](https://{}/bridge/about) on behalf of [{}]({}).*".format(
+ app.config["GITEA_INSTANCE_DOMAIN"],
+ comment_user,
+ comment_user_url,
+ )
+ comment_footer = """
+ Internal issue metadata
+ {}
+ """.format(generate_sentinel(event_url))
+ comment_body = "\n\n".join([
+ comment_header,
+ event_body,
+ comment_footer,
+ ])
+ gitea_comment_post_result = gitea.post(
+ "https://{}/api/v1/repos/{}/{}/issues/{}/comments".format(
+ app.config["GITEA_INSTANCE_DOMAIN"],
+ repo_owner,
+ repo_name,
+ issue_number,
+ ),
+ json={
+ "body": comment_body,
+ },
+ )
+ elif event_type == "closed":
+ gitea_close_issue_result = gitea.patch(
+ "https://{}/api/v1/repos/{}/{}/issues/{}".format(
+ app.config["GITEA_INSTANCE_DOMAIN"],
+ repo_owner,
+ repo_name,
+ issue_number,
+ ),
+ json={
+ "state": "closed",
+ },
+ )
+ return ''