#include "client.h" #include "const.h" #include "json.h" #include "net.h" #include "util.h" #include "vec.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int fifo_attempt = 0; static struct sockaddr_in server_addr = {0}; static char server_addrp[64] = {0}; static uint16_t server_port = -1; static struct pollfd poll_fds[2]; static struct pollfd *fifo_poll = &poll_fds[0]; static struct pollfd *socket_poll = &poll_fds[1]; static int fifo = -1; static int sock = -1; // static to avoid having this on the stack because a message is about 2kb in memory static Message message; static Vec devices_fd; static Vec devices_info; static ClientConfig config; static MessageRequest device_request; static void default_fifo_path(void *ptr) { *(char **)ptr = (char *)FIFO_PATH; } static void default_retry_delay(void *ptr) { *(struct timespec *)ptr = CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY; } static void default_vendor(void *ptr) { *(int32_t *)ptr = VIRTUAL_DEVICE_VENDOR; } static void default_product(void *ptr) { *(int32_t *)ptr = VIRTUAL_DEVICE_PRODUCT; } static void default_name(void *ptr) { *(char **)ptr = (char *)VIRTUAL_DEVICE_NAME; } static void default_to_white(void *ptr) { uint8_t *color = ptr; color[0] = 255; color[1] = 255; color[2] = 255; } static const JSONPropertyAdapter ControllerStateAdapterProps[] = { {".led_color", &StringAdapter, offsetof(MessageControllerState, led), default_to_white, tsf_hex_to_color }, {".rumble.0", &NumberAdapter, offsetof(MessageControllerState, small_rumble), default_to_zero_u8, tsf_num_to_u8_clamp}, {".rumble.1", &NumberAdapter, offsetof(MessageControllerState, big_rumble), default_to_zero_u8, tsf_num_to_u8_clamp}, {".flash.0", &NumberAdapter, offsetof(MessageControllerState, flash_on), default_to_zero_u8, tsf_num_to_u8_clamp}, {".flash.1", &NumberAdapter, offsetof(MessageControllerState, flash_off), default_to_zero_u8, tsf_num_to_u8_clamp}, {".index", &NumberAdapter, offsetof(MessageControllerState, index), default_to_zero_u32, tsf_num_to_int } }; static const JSONAdapter ControllerStateAdapter = { .props = (JSONPropertyAdapter *)ControllerStateAdapterProps, .prop_count = sizeof(ControllerStateAdapterProps) / sizeof(JSONPropertyAdapter), .size = sizeof(MessageControllerState), }; static const JSONPropertyAdapter ControllerAdapterProps[] = { {".tag", &StringAdapter, offsetof(ClientController, tag), default_to_null, NULL }, {".vendor", &StringAdapter, offsetof(ClientController, device_vendor), default_vendor, tsf_hex_to_i32}, {".product", &StringAdapter, offsetof(ClientController, device_product), default_product, tsf_hex_to_i32}, {".name", &StringAdapter, offsetof(ClientController, device_name), default_name, NULL }, }; static const JSONAdapter ControllerAdapter = { .props = ControllerAdapterProps, .prop_count = sizeof(ControllerAdapterProps) / sizeof(JSONPropertyAdapter), .size = sizeof(ClientController), }; static const JSONPropertyAdapter SlotAdapterProps[] = { {".controllers[]", &ControllerAdapter, offsetof(ClientSlot, controllers), default_to_null, NULL}, }; static const JSONAdapter SlotAdapter = { .props = SlotAdapterProps, .prop_count = sizeof(SlotAdapterProps) / sizeof(JSONPropertyAdapter), .size = sizeof(ClientSlot), }; static const JSONPropertyAdapter ClientConfigAdapterProps[] = { {".slots[]", &SlotAdapter, offsetof(ClientConfig, slots), default_to_null, NULL }, {".fifo_path", &StringAdapter, offsetof(ClientConfig, fifo_path), default_fifo_path, NULL }, {".retry_delay", &NumberAdapter, offsetof(ClientConfig, retry_delay), default_retry_delay, tsf_numsec_to_timespec} }; static const JSONAdapter ConfigAdapter = { .props = ClientConfigAdapterProps, .prop_count = sizeof(ClientConfigAdapterProps) / sizeof(JSONPropertyAdapter), .size = sizeof(ClientConfig), }; // Print the current config, for debugging purposes static void print_config() { printf("CLIENT: Config\n"); printf(" fifo_path: %s\n", config.fifo_path); printf(" retry_delay: %fs\n", timespec_to_double(&config.retry_delay)); printf(" slots: \n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < config.slot_count; i++) { ClientSlot *slot = &config.slots[i]; printf(" - controllers:\n"); for (size_t j = 0; j < slot->controller_count; j++) { ClientController *ctr = &slot->controllers[j]; printf(" - tag: '%s'\n", ctr->tag); printf(" name: %s\n", ctr->device_name); printf(" vendor: %04x\n", ctr->device_vendor); printf(" product: %04x\n", ctr->device_product); } } printf("\n"); } void destroy_devices(void) { for (int i = 0; i < config.slot_count; i++) { int fd = *(int *)vec_get(&devices_fd, i); MessageDeviceInfo *info = vec_get(&devices_info, i); if (info->code == DeviceInfo) { ioctl(fd, UI_DEV_DESTROY); info->code = NoMessage; } } } bool device_exists(int index) { if (index >= devices_info.len) { return false; } MessageDeviceInfo *info = vec_get(&devices_info, index); return info->code == DeviceInfo; } void device_destroy(int slot) { if (slot >= devices_info.len) { return; } int fd = *(int *)vec_get(&devices_fd, slot); MessageDeviceInfo *info = vec_get(&devices_info, slot); if (info->code == DeviceInfo) { ioctl(fd, UI_DEV_DESTROY); info->code = NoMessage; } } void device_init(MessageDeviceInfo *dev) { if (dev->slot >= devices_info.len) { printf("CLIENT: Got wrong device index\n"); return; } device_destroy(dev->slot); int fd = *(int *)vec_get(&devices_fd, dev->slot); // Abs if (dev->abs_count > 0) { ioctl(fd, UI_SET_EVBIT, EV_ABS); for (int i = 0; i < dev->abs_count; i++) { struct uinput_abs_setup setup = {0}; setup.code = dev->abs_id[i]; setup.absinfo.minimum = dev->abs_min[i]; setup.absinfo.maximum = dev->abs_max[i]; setup.absinfo.fuzz = dev->abs_fuzz[i]; setup.absinfo.flat = dev->abs_flat[i]; setup.absinfo.resolution = dev->abs_res[i]; setup.absinfo.value = 0; ioctl(fd, UI_ABS_SETUP, &setup); } } // Rel if (dev->rel_count > 0) { ioctl(fd, UI_SET_EVBIT, EV_REL); for (int i = 0; i < dev->rel_count; i++) { ioctl(fd, UI_SET_RELBIT, dev->rel_id[i]); } } // Key if (dev->key_count > 0) { ioctl(fd, UI_SET_EVBIT, EV_KEY); for (int i = 0; i < dev->key_count; i++) { ioctl(fd, UI_SET_KEYBIT, dev->key_id[i]); } } ClientController *ctr = &config.slots[dev->slot].controllers[dev->index]; struct uinput_setup setup = {0}; setup.id.bustype = BUS_VIRTUAL; setup.id.vendor = ctr->device_vendor; setup.id.product = ctr->device_product; setup.id.version = VIRTUAL_DEVICE_VERSION; strncpy(setup.name, ctr->device_name, UINPUT_MAX_NAME_SIZE); ioctl(fd, UI_DEV_SETUP, &setup); ioctl(fd, UI_DEV_CREATE); MessageDeviceInfo *dst = vec_get(&devices_info, dev->slot); memcpy(dst, dev, sizeof(MessageDeviceInfo)); printf("CLIENT: Got device [%d]: '%s' (abs: %d, rel: %d, key: %d)\n", dev->slot, ctr->device_name, dev->abs_count, dev->rel_count, dev->key_count); } // Send an event to uinput, device must exist bool device_emit(int index, uint16_t type, uint16_t id, uint32_t value) { if (index >= devices_fd.len) { return true; } int fd = *(int *)vec_get(&devices_fd, index); struct input_event event = {0}; event.type = type; event.code = id; event.value = value; return write(fd, &event, sizeof(event)) != sizeof(event); } // Update device with report void device_handle_report(MessageDeviceReport *report) { if (!device_exists(report->slot)) { printf("CLIENT: [%d] Got report before device info\n", report->slot); return; } MessageDeviceInfo *info = vec_get(&devices_info, report->slot); if (report->abs_count != info->abs_count || report->rel_count != info->rel_count || report->key_count != info->key_count) { printf("CLIENT: Report doesn't match with device info\n"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < report->abs_count; i++) { if (device_emit(report->slot, EV_ABS, info->abs_id[i], report->abs[i]) != 0) { printf("CLIENT: Error writing abs event to uinput\n"); } } for (int i = 0; i < report->rel_count; i++) { if (device_emit(report->slot, EV_REL, info->rel_id[i], report->rel[i]) != 0) { printf("CLIENT: Error writing rel event to uinput\n"); } } for (int i = 0; i < report->key_count; i++) { if (device_emit(report->slot, EV_KEY, info->key_id[i], (uint32_t)(!report->key[i]) - 1) != 0) { printf("CLIENT: Error writing key event to uinput\n"); } } // Reports are sent by the server every time the server receives an EV_SYN from the physical device, so we // send one when we receive the report to match device_emit(report->slot, EV_SYN, 0, 0); } void setup_devices(void) { devices_fd = vec_of(int); devices_info = vec_of(MessageDeviceInfo); MessageDeviceInfo no_info = {0}; no_info.code = NoMessage; for (int i = 0; i < config.slot_count; i++) { int fd = open("/dev/uinput", O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (fd < 0) { perror("CLIENT: Can't open /dev/uinput, aborting now"); exit(1); } vec_push(&devices_fd, &fd); vec_push(&devices_info, &no_info); } } void setup_fifo(void); // (Re)Open the fifo void open_fifo(void) { close(fifo); fifo = open(config.fifo_path, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (fifo < 0 && fifo_attempt == 0) { fifo_attempt++; unlink(config.fifo_path); setup_fifo(); } else if (fifo < 0) { panicf("CLIENT: Couldn't open fifo, aborting\n"); } fifo_attempt = 0; } // Ensure the fifo exists and opens it (also setup poll_fd) void setup_fifo(void) { mode_t prev = umask(0); mkfifo(config.fifo_path, 0666); umask(prev); open_fifo(); fifo_poll->fd = fifo; fifo_poll->events = POLLIN; } // (Re)Connect to the server void connect_server(void) { while (true) { if (sock > 0) { // Close previous connection shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR); destroy_devices(); close(sock); } sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { panicf("Couldn't create socket\n"); } if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) != 0) { printf("CLIENT: Couldn't connect to %s:%d, retrying in %lu.%09lus\n", server_addrp, server_port, config.retry_delay.tv_sec, config.retry_delay.tv_nsec); nanosleep(&config.retry_delay, NULL); continue; } // Set non blocking, only do that after connection (instead of with SOCK_NONBLOCK at socket creation) // because we want to block on the connection itself fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK); socket_poll->fd = sock; printf("CLIENT: Connected !\n"); uint8_t buf[2048] __attribute__((aligned(4))) = {0}; int len = msg_serialize(buf, 2048, (Message *)&device_request); if (len > 0) { if (send(sock, buf, len, 0) > 0) { printf("CLIENT: Sent device request\n"); }; }; return; } } // Setup server address and connects to it (+ setup poll_fd) void setup_server(char *address, uint16_t port) { // setup address server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, address, &server_addr.sin_addr) == 0) { printf("CLIENT: failed to parse address '%s', defaulting to (localhost)\n", address); } inet_ntop(AF_INET, &server_addr.sin_addr, server_addrp, 64); server_port = port; server_addr.sin_port = htons(port); socket_poll->events = POLLIN; connect_server(); } void build_device_request(void) { TagList *reqs = malloc(config.slot_count * sizeof(TagList)); for (int i = 0; i < config.slot_count; i++) { TagList *req = &reqs[i]; req->count = config.slots[i].controller_count; req->tags = malloc(req->count * sizeof(char *)); for (int j = 0; j < req->count; j++) { req->tags[j] = config.slots[i].controllers[j].tag; } } device_request.code = Request; device_request.request_count = config.slot_count; device_request.requests = reqs; } void client_run(char *address, uint16_t port, char *config_path) { // Parse the config { FILE *configfd = fopen(config_path, "r"); if (configfd == NULL) { perror("CLIENT: Couldn't open config file"); exit(1); } char *cbuf = malloc(8192); uint8_t *jbuf = (uint8_t *)cbuf + 4096; int len = fread(cbuf, 1, 4096, configfd); if (json_parse(cbuf, len, jbuf, 4096) != 0) { printf("CLIENT: Couldn't parse config, %s (at index %lu)\n", json_strerr(), json_errloc()); exit(1); } json_adapt(jbuf, &ConfigAdapter, &config); #ifdef VERBOSE print_config(); #endif free(cbuf); fclose(configfd); } setup_fifo(); build_device_request(); setup_devices(); setup_server(address, port); uint8_t buf[2048] __attribute__((aligned(4))); uint8_t json_buf[2048] __attribute__((aligned(8))); while (1) { int rc = poll(poll_fds, 2, -1); if (rc < 0) { perror("CLIENT: Error on poll"); exit(1); } if (fifo_poll->revents & POLLIN || fifo_poll->revents & POLLHUP || fifo_poll->revents & POLLERR) { int len = read(fifo, buf, 2048); if (len <= 0) { open_fifo(); } else { // We've got data from the fifo int rc = json_parse((char *)buf, len, json_buf, 2048); if (rc < 0) { printf("CLIENT: Error when parsing fifo message as json (%s at index %lu)\n", json_strerr(), json_errloc()); } else { MessageControllerState msg; msg.code = ControllerState; json_adapt(json_buf, &ControllerStateAdapter, &msg); int len = msg_serialize(buf, 2048, (Message *)&msg); if (len > 0) { if (send(sock, buf, len, 0) > 0) { printf("CLIENT: Sent controller state: #%02x%02x%02x flash: (%d, %d) rumble: " "(%d, %d) -> [%d]\n", msg.led[0], msg.led[1], msg.led[2], msg.flash_on, msg.flash_off, msg.small_rumble, msg.big_rumble, msg.index); }; }; } } } // A broken or closed socket produces a POLLIN event, so we check for error on the recv if (socket_poll->revents & POLLIN) { int len = recv(sock, buf, 2048, MSG_PEEK); if (len <= 0) { printf("CLIENT: Lost connection to server, reconnecting\n"); connect_server(); // we can use continue here because there's nothing after, unlike above for fifo (this reduces // indentation instead of needing an else block) continue; } int msg_len = msg_deserialize(buf, len, &message); // We've got data from the server if (msg_len < 0) { recv(sock, buf, 2048, 0); printf("CLIENT: Couldn't parse message (code: %d, len: %d)\n", buf[4], len); int l = len > 100 ? 100 : len; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { printf("%02x", buf[i]); } if (len > 100) { printf(" ... %d more bytes", len - 100); } printf("\n"); continue; } recv(sock, buf, msg_len, 0); if (message.code == DeviceInfo) { if (device_exists(message.device_info.slot)) { printf("CLIENT: Got more than one device info for same device\n"); } device_init((MessageDeviceInfo *)&message); } else if (message.code == DeviceReport) { device_handle_report((MessageDeviceReport *)&message); } else if (message.code == DeviceDestroy) { device_destroy(message.destroy.index); printf("CLIENT: Lost device %d\n", message.destroy.index); } else { printf("CLIENT: Illegal message\n"); } } } }