#include "vec.h" #include #include #include #define INIT_CAP 8 static void handle_alloc_error() { printf("Error when allocating memory.\n"); exit(2); } Vec vec_new(size_t data_size) { return vec_cap(data_size, INIT_CAP); } Vec vec_cap(size_t data_size, size_t initial_capacity) { Vec v; v.cap = initial_capacity; v.len = 0; v.stride = data_size; v.data = malloc(data_size * initial_capacity); return v; } static inline void vec_grow(Vec *v, size_t cap) { if (v->cap >= cap) return; size_t new_cap = cap > v->cap * 2 ? cap : v->cap * 2; void *new_data = realloc(v->data, new_cap * v->stride); if (new_data == NULL) handle_alloc_error(); v->data = new_data; v->cap = new_cap; } void vec_push(Vec *v, void *data) { vec_grow(v, v->len + 1); memcpy(v->data + v->stride * v->len++, data, v->stride); } void vec_pop(Vec *v, void *data) { if (v->len == 0) { printf("ERR(vec_pop): Trying to pop an element from an empty vector\n"); return; } if (data != NULL) memcpy(data, v->data + v->stride * (v->len - 1), v->stride); v->len--; } void *vec_get(Vec *v, size_t index) { if (index >= v->len) return NULL; return v->data + index * v->stride; } void vec_insert(Vec *v, void *data, size_t index) { if (index > v->len) { printf("ERR(vec_insert): Trying to insert past the end of the vector.\n"); return; } vec_grow(v, v->len + 1); void *slot = v->data + index * v->stride; if (index < v->len) { memmove(slot + v->stride, slot, (v->len - index) * v->stride); } memcpy(slot, data, v->stride); v->len++; } void vec_remove(Vec *v, size_t index, void *data) { if (v->len == 0) { printf("ERR(vec_remove): Trying to remove an element from an empty vector\n"); return; } if (index >= v->len) { printf("ERR(vec_remove): Trying to remove past the end of the vector\n"); return; } void *slot = v->data + index * v->stride; if (data != NULL) memcpy(data, slot, v->stride); if (index < --v->len) memmove(slot, slot + v->stride, (v->len - index) * v->stride); } void vec_clear(Vec *v) { v->len = 0; } void vec_extend(Vec *v, void *data, size_t len) { if (len == 0) return; vec_grow(v, v->len + len); memcpy(v->data + v->stride * v->len, data, v->stride * len); v->len += len; } void vec_free(Vec v) { free(v.data); }