.TH PASH 1 .SH NAME pash \- simple pasword manager .SH SYNOPSIS .B pash [\fBadd|del|show|list\fR] [name] [\fB-ncqhv\fR] [\fB-l\fR length] .SH DESCRIPTION .B pash simple pasword manager .SH COMMANDS .TP .BR [a]dd [name]: Create a new entry in the password store. .TP .BR [d]el [name]: Delete an entry from the password store. .TP .BR [s]how [name]: Show password from an entry in the password store. .TP .BR [l]ist: List all entries from the password store. .TP .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-n Limit passwords to alphanumeric characters. .TP .BR \-l Length of generated passwords. .TP .BR \-c Copy password to clipboard. .TP .BR \-q Don't print password to stdout. .TP .BR \-h Show usage and exit. .TP .BR \-v Show version and exit. .TP