# pash A simple password manager using GPG. * [Dependencies](#dependencies) * [Usage](#usage) * [FAQ](#faq) * [Where are passwords stored?](#where-are-passwords-stored) * [TODO](#todo) ## Dependencies - `bash` - `gpg2` **Clipboard Support**: - `xclip` or `tmux` ## Usage Examples: `pash add web/gmail`, `pash list`, `pash del google`, `pash show github`. ``` SYNOPSIS pash [ add|del|show|list ] [name] [ -ncqhv ] [ -l length ] COMMANDS [a]dd [name]: Create a new entry in the password store. [d]el [name]: Delete an entry from the password store. [s]how [name]: Show password from an entry in the password store. [l]ist: List all entries from the password store. OPTIONS −n Limit passwords to alphanumeric characters. −l Length of generated passwords. −c Copy password to clipboard. −q Don't print password to stdout. −h Show usage and exit. −v Show version and exit. ``` ## FAQ ### Where are passwords stored? The passwords are store in GPG encrypted files located at `${XDG_DATA_HOME:=$HOME/.local/share}/pash}`. ## TODO - [x] Add support for not generating passwords. - [x] Add support for categories. - [ ] Add an optional `tree` view. - [x] Add support for both `gpg` and `gpg2`. - [x] Man page. - [x] Setup automatic linting. - [x] Documentation.