# pash A simple password manager using GPG written in POSIX `sh`. ``` pash ├─ dev/ │ ├─ github ├─ internet/ │ ├─ graalians │ ├─ pixeljoint │ ├─ nixers └──┘ ``` ## Table of Contents * [Dependencies](#dependencies) * [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) * [FAQ](#faq) * [How does this differ from `pass` or etc?](#how-does-this-differ-from-pass-or-etc) * [Where are passwords stored?](#where-are-passwords-stored) * [How can I use a public key?](#how-can-i-use-a-public-key) * [How do I set the password length?](#how-do-i-set-the-password-length) * [How do I change the password store location?](#how-do-i-change-the-password-store-location) * [How do I rename an entry?](#how-do-i-rename-an-entry) * [How can I extend `pash`?](#how-can-i-extend-pash) ## Dependencies - `gpg` or `gpg2` **Clipboard Support**: - `xclip` or `tmux` ## Installation Two versions of `pash` are available, one written in POSIX `sh` and the other written in `bash`. They are both functionally identical and the `Makefile` gives the choice of which version you would like to install. - `make install` (POSIX `sh`) - `make install-bash` (`bash`) - Or just `cp` the desired version to your `$PATH`. ## Usage Examples: `pash add web/gmail`, `pash list`, `pash del google`, `pash show github`, `pash copy github`. ``` SYNOPSIS pash [ add|del|show|list|copy ] [name] COMMANDS [a]dd [name] - Create a new password entry. [c]opy [name] - Copy entry to the clipboard. [d]el [name] - Delete a password entry. [l]ist - List all entries. [s]how [name] - Show password for an entry. ``` ## FAQ ### How does this differ from `pass` or etc? I was looking for a CLI password manager (*written in shell*) and wasn't happy with the options I had found. They either had multiple instances of `eval` (*on user inputted data*), lots of unsafe `bash` (*nowhere near being `shellcheck` compliant.*) or they were overly complex. The opposites for what I'd want in a password manager. I decided to write my own. `pash` is written in POSIX `sh` and the codebase is minimal (*100~ lines*). `gpg` is used to generate passwords and store them in encrypted files. ### Where are passwords stored? The passwords are stored in GPG encrypted files located at `${XDG_DATA_HOME:=$HOME/.local/share}/pash}`. ### How can I use a public key? Set the environment variable `PASH_KEYID` to the ID of the key you'd like to encrypt and decrypt passwords with. Example: ```sh # Default: 'unset'. export PASH_KEYID=XXXXXXXX # This can also be an email. export PASH_KEYID=dylan.araps@gmail.com # This can also be used as a one-off. PASH_KEYID=XXXXXXXX pash add github ``` ### How do I set the password length? Set the environment variable `PASH_LENGTH` to a valid integer. Example: ```sh # Default: '50'. export PASH_LENGTH=50 # This can also be used as a one-off. PASH_LENGTH=10 pash add github ``` ### How do I change the password store location? Set the environment variable `PASH_DIR` to a directory. ```sh # Default: '~/.local/share/pash'. export PASH_DIR=~/.local/share/pash # This can also be used as a one-off. PASH_DIR=/mnt/drive/pash pash list ``` ### How do I rename an entry? It's a file! Standard UNIX utilities can be used here. ### How can I extend `pash`? A shell function can be used to add new commands and functionality to `pash`. The following example adds `pash git` to execute `git` commands on the password store. ```sh pash() { case $1 in g*) cd "${PASH_DIR:=${XDG_DATA_HOME:=$HOME/.local/share}/pash}" shift git "$@" ;; *) command pash "$@" ;; esac } ```