#!/bin/python import asyncio import time from irctokens import build, Line from ircrobots import Bot as BaseBot from ircrobots import Server as BaseServer from ircrobots import ConnectionParams from ircrobots.glob import compile as gcompile from nicklist import Nicklist from text import MESSAGES # contains PASSWORD = "merp" from secrets import PASSWORD kickees = Nicklist() exempt = Nicklist() CHANNEL = "#chaos" BOTNAME = "rndbot" OWNER = "rndusr" TOPIC = "rule one: you are now a duck. ・゜゜・。。・゜゜\\_o< QUACK!" SPAMUSER = "" LOGFILE = open(CHANNEL + ".log", "w") class Server(BaseServer): async def line_read(self, line: Line): print(f"{self.name} < {line.format()}") LOGFILE.write(f"{self.name} < {line.format()}") if line.command == "001": await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", ["NickServ", "identify " + PASSWORD])) #await self.send(build("MODE", [BOTNAME, "+B"])) await self.send(build("JOIN", [CHANNEL])) if line.command == "474": await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", ["ChanServ", "unban " + CHANNEL + " " + BOTNAME])) await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", ["ChanServ", "owner " + CHANNEL + " " + BOTNAME])) await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", ["ChanServ", "invite " + CHANNEL + " " + BOTNAME])) await self.send(build("JOIN", [CHANNEL])) if line.command == "PRIVMSG" and line.params[0] == CHANNEL: if line.hostmask.nickname == 'tildebot': if line.params[1] == '・゜゜・。。・゜゜\_o< CHAOS!': await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, ',bef'])) if line.hostmask.nickname == OWNER: if BOTNAME + ": quit" == line.params[1]: await self.send(build('PART', [CHANNEL, MESSAGES['quit']])) exit(1) if BOTNAME + ": add" in line.params[1]: if "kickees" == line.params[1].split(' ')[2]: if kickees.append(line.params[1].split(' ')[3]): await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ MESSAGES['kickadd']])) else: await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ MESSAGES['kickadderr']])) if "exempt" == line.params[1].split(' ')[2]: if exempt.append(line.params[1].split(' ')[3]): await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ MESSAGES['exemptadd']])) else: await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ MESSAGES['exemptadderr']])) if BOTNAME + ": list" in line.params[1]: if "kickees" == line.params[1].split(' ')[2]: await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ MESSAGES['kicklist'] + str(kickees)])) if "exempt" == line.params[1].split(' ')[2]: await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ MESSAGES['exemptlist'] + str(exempt)])) if BOTNAME + ": rm" in line.params[1]: if "kickees" == line.params[1].split(' ')[2]: if kickees.remove(line.params[1].split(' ')[3]): await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ MESSAGES['kickrm']])) else: await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ MESSAGES['kickrmerr']])) if "exempt" == line.params[1].split(' ')[2]: if exempt.remove(line.params[1].split(' ')[3]): await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ MESSAGES['exemptrm']])) else: await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ MESSAGES['exemptrmerr']])) if BOTNAME + ": ping" in line.params[1]: tmp = "" for i in self.channels[CHANNEL].users.keys(): tmp += i tmp += ' ' if len(tmp) > 100: await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ tmp])) tmp = "" await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, \ tmp])) if BOTNAME + ": writestate" in line.params[1]: if kickees.write('kickee'): await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, MESSAGES['writekickee']])) if exempt.write('exempt'): await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, MESSAGES['writeexempt']])) if BOTNAME + ": readstate" in line.params[1]: if kickees.read('kickee'): pass if exempt.read('exempt'): pass if BOTNAME + ": kickall" in line.params[1]: for i in self.channels[CHANNEL].users.keys(): if i != OWNER and i != BOTNAME: await self.send(build('KICK', [CHANNEL, i, 'nope'])) if "no u" == line.params[1] and line.hostname.nickname != BOTNAME: await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', [CHANNEL, 'no u'])) if line.command == "JOIN": if line.hostmask.nickname in kickees: await self.send(build('KICK', [CHANNEL, line.hostmask.nickname, MESSAGES['kick']])) return for i in kickees.host(): if gcompile(i).match(str(line.hostmask)): await self.send(build('KICK', [CHANNEL, line.hostmask.nickname, MESSAGES['kick']])) if line.command == "MODE": try: if 'l' in self.channels[CHANNEL].modes: await self.send(build('MODE', [CHANNEL, '-l'])) if 'n' in self.channels[CHANNEL].modes: await self.send(build('MODE', [CHANNEL, '-n'])) if 'm' in self.channels[CHANNEL].modes: await self.send(build('MODE', [CHANNEL, '-m'])) # if 's' in self.channels[CHANNEL].modes: # await self.send(build('MODE', [CHANNEL, '-s'])) if not 'q' in self.channels[CHANNEL].users[OWNER].modes: await self.send(build('MODE', [CHANNEL, '+q', OWNER])) if 'b' in self.channels[CHANNEL].users[BOTNAME].modes: await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", ["ChanServ", "unban " + CHANNEL + " " + BOTNAME])) if not 'q' in self.channels[CHANNEL].users[BOTNAME].modes: await self.send(build("PRIVMSG", ["ChanServ", "owner " + CHANNEL + " " + BOTNAME])) except KeyError: pass if line.command == "KICK" and line.params[0] == CHANNEL: print(line.params) if line.params[1] == OWNER: if line.params[2] == 'User has been banned from the channel': await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', ['chanserv', \ 'akick ' + CHANNEL + ' del ' + OWNER])) await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', ['chanserv', \ 'unban ' + CHANNEL + ' ' + OWNER])) else: await self.send(build('KICK', [CHANNEL, line.hostmask.nickname, MESSAGES['revenge']])) await self.send(build('INVITE', [CHANNEL, line.params[1]])) if line.params[1] == BOTNAME: if line.params[2] == 'User has been banned from the channel': await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', ['chanserv', \ 'akick ' + CHANNEL + ' del ' + BOTNAME])) await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', ['chanserv', \ 'unban ' + CHANNEL + ' ' + BOTNAME])) await self.send(build('JOIN', [CHANNEL])) else: await self.send(build('PRIVMSG', ['chanserv', \ 'akick ' + CHANNEL + ' add ' + line.hostmask.nickname])) time.sleep(1) await self.send(build('JOIN', [CHANNEL])) time.sleep(0.5) await self.send(build('KICK', [CHANNEL, line.hostmask.nickname, MESSAGES['revenge']])) if line.command == "TOPIC" and line.params[0] == CHANNEL: if line.hostmask.nickname != OWNER and \ line.hostmask.nickname != BOTNAME and \ not line.hostmask.nickname in EXEMPT: await self.send(build('TOPIC', [CHANNEL, TOPIC])) if line.command == "482": await self.send(build('TOPIC', [CHANNEL, TOPIC])) async def line_send(self, line: Line): print(f"{self.name} > {line.format()}") LOGFILE.write(f"{self.name} > {line.format()}") class Bot(BaseBot): def create_server(self, name: str): return Server(self, name) async def main(): bot = Bot() params = ConnectionParams(BOTNAME, 'localhost', 6667, False, BOTNAME, "totally not rndusr's bot lol") await bot.add_server('tilde', params) await bot.run() if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main())