.TH SX 1 "25 August 2018" .SH NAME sx \- start an xorg server .SH SYNOPSIS .B sx .RI [ "command " [ "arguments " ...]] .SH DESCRIPTION .B sx can be used to replace both .BR xinit (1) and .BR startx (1) for starting an Xorg server. By default .B sx will attempt execute .I sxrc unless a .I command argument is provided. The .I command may consistent of one or more .IR arguments . .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B XAUTHORITY This environment references a file which stores authorisation entries used to secure .BR Xorg (1) . If this environment is not set then .B sx will create and use .B \%XDG_DATA_HOME/sx/xauthority instead while also exporting this value to .BR XAUTHORITY . .TP .B XDG_CONFIG_HOME The directory used when searching for .IR sxrc . .B \%HOME/.config will be used if not set. .TP .B XDG_DATA_HOME The directory used for storing the .I xauthority file. .B \%HOME/.local/share will be used if not set. .SH FILES .TP .B XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sx/sxrc The default command started by .BR sx . This file must be executable. .TP .B XDG_DATA_HOME/sx/xauthority The default authority used by .B sx if an alternative file is not provided with .BR XAUTHORITY . .SH NOTES Since the addition of .BR Xorg.wrap (1) it may be necessary to set .I allowed_users to .I anybody in .BR \%/etc/X11/Xwrapper.config . This is due to .B sx attempting to run commands from within a subshell and is thusly not considered a console user. .SH SOURCE .UR https://github.com/Earnestly/sx .UE .SH SEE ALSO .BR Xorg (1), .BR xinit (1), .BR startx (1), .BR Xsecurity (7), .BR X (7)