sx INTRODUCTION sx is a simple alternative to both xinit(1) and startx(1) for starting an Xorg server. It started life as a proof of concept while attempting to learn how both xinit and startx worked. It is not a direct replacement however as it provides a different, more limited, interface. Some of these major differences are listed here: * The server's command-line is hard coded and not exposed to the user. * The server doesn't listen on anything except unix domain sockets. * The server starts on the same tty the user logged in on. * The first DISPLAY is 1 instead of 0 contrary to what X(7) suggests as it is coupled to the tty number. * xauth entries are overwritten if the displayname is identical. * Corresponding xauth entries are unconditionally removed when the server exits. * The server uses the -noreset flag. * While XAUTHORITY is still honoured, $XDG_DATA_HOME/sx/xauthfile is used by default instead of $HOME/.Xauthority * Very little proxy error checking is used preferring instead to let each tool speak for itself. * None of the typical /etc/X11/xinit infrastructure is directly used. * Neither XINITRC is honoured nor .xinitrc used. * The XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sx/sxrc file is used instead of .xinitrc and is required to be executable. For a rationale on why this exists, the author invites the reader to look over the source code for both xinit and startx. NOTES Since the addition of Xorg.wrap it may be necessary to set allowed_users to anybody in /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config as sx attempts to start clients from within a subshell and is thusly not considered a console user. REQUIRES * Xorg * xauth * /dev/urandom INSTALL make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=staged install