#!/usr/bin/python3 import prob words = [i.rstrip() for i in open("wordlist", "r").readlines()] nocontain = [] contains = [] defcontains = [] while True: line = input("? ") if line.split(' ')[0] == "add": # rules parser string = line.split(' ')[1] splitted = [(string[i:i+2]) for i in range(0, len(string), 2)] count = 0 for i in splitted: if i[0] == "n": nocontain.append(i[1]) print("\033[47;97m {} ".format(i[1]), end="") elif i[0] == "y": contains.append((i[1], count)) print("\033[103;97m {} ".format(i[1]), end="") elif i[0] == "g": defcontains.append((i[1], count)) print("\033[102;97m {} ".format(i[1]), end="") print("\033[0m") count += 1 elif line.split(' ')[0] == "reduce": buf = [] for i in words: counter = 0 status = 1 for j in i: if status == 0: break try: req = [item[0] for item in defcontains if item[1] == counter][0] except: req = None nothere = [item[0] for item in contains if item[1] == counter] if req != None: if req == j: counter += 1 continue else: status = 0 for k in nothere: if k == j: status = 0 if j in nocontain: status = 0 counter += 1 for j in contains: if not j[0] in i: status = 0 if status == 1: buf.append(i) words = buf elif line.split(' ')[0] == "listbuffers": print(nocontain, contains, defcontains) elif line.split(' ')[0] == "probmodel": tmp = prob.main(words) tmp.reverse() print(tmp) elif line.split(' ')[0] == "probruntime": print(prob.runtime(words)) elif line.split(' ')[0] == "words": print(words) elif line.split(' ')[0] == "help": print("welcome to wordlefish, a 'engine' for wordle") print("add - add pattern") print("reduce - apply pattern filter") print("listbuffers - list filters in buffers") print("probmodel - output ordered arr based on expensive dist model") print("probruntime - return iterations of probmodel") print("words - list words in consideration") print("help - this")