from enum import StrEnum, auto class CCEColors(StrEnum): Red = "Red" White = "White", Blue = "Blue", Undefined = "Undefined", # some conferences don't have assemblies Any = "Any" # for searching purposes class CCEAssemblies(StrEnum): Senate = "Senate", House = "House", GeneralAssembly = "GeneralAssembly", Any = "Any" # for searching purposes class BillCode: def __init__(self, text: str): # try to parse # codes are in this rough format: "RSB/yy-c(c)-n(n)" text = text.rstrip() slashsplit = text.split('/') dashsplit = slashsplit[1].split('-') assemblycode = slashsplit[0] self.color = assemblycode[0] if self.color == "R": self.color = CCEColors.Red elif self.color == "W": self.color = CCEColors.White elif self.color == "B": self.color = CCEColors.Blue assemblydivision = assemblycode[1] if assemblydivision == "S": self.assembly = CCEAssemblies.Senate elif assemblydivision == "H": self.assembly = CCEAssemblies.House elif assemblydivision == "G": self.assembly = CCEAssemblies.GeneralAssembly # reverse y2k problem; but conference years are stored in YY, not YYYY form self.year = int(dashsplit[0]) + 2000 self.committee = int(dashsplit[1]) self.docketplacement = int(dashsplit[2]) self.stringrep = self.color[0].upper() + \ self.assembly[0].upper() + \ "B/{}-{}-{}".format( str(self.year - 2000), str(self.committee), str(self.docketplacement) ) self.conference: None | str = None # to be filled in with BookParser and friends def __str__(self): return "{} {} - {}-{}-{}".format( self.color, self.assembly, str(self.year), str(self.committee), str(self.docketplacement) ) class Bill: def __init__(self, code: str | BillCode, sponsors: str, subcommittee: str, school: str, bill_text: list[str], title: str ): if isinstance(code, str): self.code = BillCode(code) else: self.code = code self.sponsors = sponsors.rstrip() self.subcommittee = subcommittee.rstrip() = school.rstrip() self.bill_text = bill_text self.title = title @property def bill_text_concat(self): return ''.join(self.bill_text) @property def url(self): if self.code.conference: return "/legislation/" + '/'.join([ self.code.conference, self.code.color, self.code.assembly, str(self.code.year), str(self.code.committee), str(self.code.docketplacement) ]) else: return "/legislation/" + '/'.join([ "defaultconf", self.code.color, self.code.assembly, str(self.code.year), str(self.code.committee), str(self.code.docketplacement) ]) @property def committee_url(self): if self.code.conference: return "/legislation/" + '/'.join([ self.code.conference, self.code.color, self.code.assembly, str(self.code.year), str(self.code.committee) ]) else: return "/legislation/" + '/'.join([ "defaultconf", self.code.color, self.code.assembly, str(self.code.year), str(self.code.committee) ]) @property def assembly_url(self): if self.code.conference: return "/legislation/" + '/'.join([ self.code.conference, self.code.color, self.code.assembly, str(self.code.year), ]) else: return "/legislation/" + '/'.join([ "defaultconf", self.code.color, self.code.assembly, str(self.code.year), ]) @property def color_url(self): if self.code.conference: return "/legislation/" + '/'.join([ self.code.conference, self.code.color, str(self.code.year), ]) else: return "/legislation/" + '/'.join([ "defaultconf", self.code.color, str(self.code.year), ])