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yig is a django app for exploring bills and resolutions in previous YMCA CCE conferences. It's sort of ballooned to also contain a knowledge-base thing.

Deploying in production

  1. Ensure that you have Docker installed and good to go.

For NixOS machines, this involves the following:

{ ... }
    virtualisation.docker.enable = true;
    users.users.<your user>.extraGroups = [ ... ] ++ [ "docker" ];
  1. Enter the nix-shell.
  2. make permissions
  3. make

To tear down the docker container, type make clean.

If you've just started the instance, you also need to configure a superuser.

  1. Run docker ps | grep yig-web | awk -F' ' '{print $1}' to get the container id
  2. Run docker exec -it <container-id> bash to get a shell.
  3. Run python3 manage.py createsuperuser and follow the prompts.


In order to use the explorer component of this package, you need to add some legislative texts. These are in the form of PDFs -- they come from the YMCA CCE website or are sometimes emailed or otherwise shared with you. Only these PDFs will work because they follow a very specific format which the software exploits.

  1. Login with your admin account.
  2. Click on the add button next to Legislation books in the sidebar
  3. Upload your book, add a name, and choose the correct Import strategy
  4. Click save

More information

More information about operation of this project can be found in the knowledgebase directory.


yig is licensed under the AGPLv3 -- the terms of the license are available in LICENSE.md.